
Festival Market 14th May 1.00pm - 2.00am the next day!

216978_10150558314405224_672750223_18362303_2983888_n.jpgMusic, markets stalls and Drinks. Finishes 2.00 am on Sunday the 15th, GREENBANK pub bristol. I will be selling my usual collection of hand made toys bags and prints, and some new pieces too.

Toys for sale

Here are just some of the toys that will be on Sale at the Greenbank arts market on the 14th of May. I will also be selling a number of prints and cards, some which feature on my blog pages and Etsy shop. Hope to see you all there!



Etsy shop!

I am currently setting up my online shop, to make it easier for folk to peruse and buy my odd little creations.... oh and prints.
will be here soon so watch this space!